Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC)
CTTC's role is to provide efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

Region X CRC News
At the last Region X CRC held in Reno, NV, multiple awards were distributed by the CTTC. Congratulations to all award recipients. We’re looking forward to this year’s CRC in Phoenix – be sure to get your award submissions in on time!
Technology Awards
Successful Chapter CTTC Operations
Find all that you need to operate efficiently and effectively as a CTTC Chairperson here. Make your respective Chapter term as successful as possible.
CTTC Manual of Procedures (MOP)
Manual for Chapter Operations (MCO)
PAOE - Be sure to submit information on a regular basis to your respective Chapter CTTC PAOE page. Do so as you earn the points. Don’t wait until the last minute of the fiscal year - go to the ASHRAE website.