GAC - Government Affairs Committee
To establish ASHRAE as a leading source for expertise in the built environment and a resource for a policymaker in the development of legislation and regulations affecting the public, the HVAC&R community, and the engineering profession.

What We Do
Build Relationships between the Society and all levels of government.
Counsel and Assist on matters affecting the public, engineering profession and ASHRAE professional community.
Collect, Digest, and Disseminate to members relevant information regarding current or anticipated government actions.
Purse technology transfers independently or jointly with other appropriate organizations.
"Advocacy" vs. "Lobbying"
This is the Advocacy Committee, where we practice advocacy (we are not lobbyists) and we don't jeopardize society's nonprofit [e.g., 501(c)(3)] status.
Local ASHRAE Chapter Members (including GAC members) avoid society conflicts with official ASHRAE policy, documents, standards, MOUs, etc. by only utilizing society approved information.
Independent positions (not ASHRAE Authorized) are submitted as individuals outside of ASHRAE.
Get Involved - Become an ASHRAE GAC Champion
Stay informed
Contact your representatives or officials
What issues are you passionate about?
This is a key period for ASHRAE, engaging with elected and appointed officials at all levels of government on a global basis. It is vital that a network of active engineer-advocates exists worldwide to impress upon decision-makers how their choices will impact society - and HVAC&R professionals specifically - and create a sustainable built environment.
Government Affairs Updates​
To connect ASHRAE members and others interested in the built environment with activities within Congress and Federal agencies, the Washington office has developed Government Affairs Updates.
To Subscribe for Weekly Government Affairs Updates:
GAC Advocacy Toolkit
Letters and Testimony Sent to Policymakers
ASHRAE Position Statements
ASHRAE Public Policy Issue Briefs
ASHRAE's Government Supported Standards
Standard 55 - Specify the combinations of indoor thermal environmental factors and personal factors that will produce thermal environmental conditions acceptable to a majority of the occupants within the space.
Standard 62.1 - Specify minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.
Standard 90.1 - Provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings (except low-rise residential buildings) for design, construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance, and utilization of on-site, renewable energy resources.
Standard 100 - Provides criteria that will result in energy efficiency in existing buildings.
Standard 105 - Foster a commonality in determining and reporting the energy performance of buildings to facilitate a comparison of design strategies and/or operation improvements in buildings as well as the development of building energy performance standards and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions associated with building operation.
Standard 188 - Establish minimum Legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems.
Standard 189.1 - provide minimum requirements for the siting, design, construction and plan for operation of high-performance green buildings to balance environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, occupant comfort and well- being, and community sensitivity, and support the goal of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is also an alternative compliance path to the 2015 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) and will be the compliance path in the 2018 IgCC.
Fact Sheets
GAC Chairs