In Long Beach, DRCs and RMCRs unanimously agreed on the following break down for the $140,000 Chapter Opportunity Fund that President Olesen has established for this Society Year (2017-2018):
• Regions I through XIV to receive $9,250 each • RAL to receive $10,500
Note that we have remaining $4,050 (approximately) from last year’s COF, so we have a total of $13,250 to use this year.
To ensure that Region X Chapters have the greatest amount of time possible in which to make use of the Fund, we want to receive your submissions right away. With the intent of using all of the funds this year, I would like to allocate $950 per chapter.
CHAPTER SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE OCTOBER 31ST. After this day, unused COF $ will be available for other chapters to use. It is important that we get to use all of it so Society may consider repeating this program next year.
Please come up with creative ideas to use the allocated $. Below are some COF events from other chapters in 2016-2017.
Steamboat Challenge: $5,000 to support the expansion of the Steamboat Challenge Program. Now in its third year, the Steamboat Challenge is a collaboration between an ASHRAE Chapter and other local organizations to motivate and encourage youth to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). ASHRAE volunteers have visited more than 30 schools and provided education and demonstrations of thermodynamic principles to more than 800 students. The funds will be used to purchase additional equipment, provide outreach to more schools, and underwrite the costs of putting on the annual competition.
Smart-Start Weekend: $4,750 to support a weekend workshop and training program for student members of ASHRAE. The event will be held at a nearby University and will provide participants with information on the HVAC&R industry, networking opportunities with YEA members, introductory technical training on HVAC&R, and highlight the link between ASHRAE and the HVAC&R industry. Funds will be used for meals, instructors and materials. Travel and other expenses will be the responsibility of the participants.
CD$1,100 to support K-12 Regional Science Fair and Algonquin College Design Competition.
CD$1,200 to host an invitation-only event with 4 Board Members, 7 Chapter Chairs and 10 guests. The guests were a mixture of upcoming students, YEA-eligible professionals, and individuals positioned in organizations that can support future growth. The purposes of the meeting are to promote ASHRAE in general and the Chapter specifically. The event was held at a local establishment with food and beverages available at no charge to the invitees. Region VIII and Region XII jointly offered Chapter Operations Training for Chapters in Mexico, South & Central America, and the Caribbean. The funds were used to cover the cost for each Chapter's President-Elect and other fees, but not travel.
The Ozarks Chapter Student Activities Chair is an Instructor for the Technology and Construction Management Department at Missouri State University. $1,500 was used for marketing purposes, materials, and student memberships. The instructor used some of the fund to finish out an MEP lab facility, which allows students to observe the installation of ductwork, fan coil units, VAV boxes, and varies other equipment. The intent is to create a hands on application on how components are installed, controlled, balanced, and maintained. The Chapter will host several events, each one focusing on a different aspect in the construction of finishing a room. During these events the Chapter will inform students of the opportunity for scholarships and internships through ASHRAE Society. Each event will have a host representative (company), as well as a mechanical engineer, mechanical contractor, and vendor. This process will allow students to watch & learn as this equipment is being installed and allow the student to ask questions from several different areas of expertise.
eWeek/Stem: PB&J robot, Acoustics lab tour, Research laboratory tour – 195 students attended and the Chapter arranged for local tv coverage.
Hearts & Hammers: Exterior home improvement assistance for senior and disabled homeowners so that they may continue living independently; a typical Hearts & Hammers home requires significant exterior painting, moderate carpentry, and landscaping to restore the weatherproofing, security, and overall appearance of the home. Assistance is provided at no cost to homeowners.
Upgraded STEM demonstration materials: Banner with info specific to the demonstration, schematic -wiring diagram - explanation of principles of operation (1) inline ECM fan with filter housing. Intent is to get better control of higher airflow, tie 0-10V input to controls, and demonstrate impact of dirty filter on airflow. And float a softball.
Rebuilding together: Sponsored an elderly homeowner’s home for renovation and repair. 25 ASHRAE volunteers worked to replace ADA-related components, to modernize electrical and plumbing, and to perform other general repairs and clean-up.
We look forward to receiving your awesome submissions. Thank you!