On behalf of the Region X Nominating Committee, we are excited to report that we had a very productive meeting at the 2018 Winter Conference in Chicago. As your regional representatives, Robert and I helped nominate the slate of candidates for the 2018-19 ASHRAE Board, which includes:
President-Elect: Darryl Boyce
Treasurer: Chuck Gulledge
Vice Presidents: Julia Keen (2nd year), Mick Schwedler (2nd year), Farooq Mehboob, M. Dennis Knight
New DALs: Katherine Hammack (Central Arizona Past President!!) and Sarah Maston
As current President-Elect, Sheila Hayter will serve as Society President for SY18-19. Also, Past Region X DRC Don Brandt will continue in his role as DAL.
I know that it seems far away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about superstars in your chapter who may be candidates for future Society Board and committee positions. Nominations for Board-Appointed Standing Committee positions are due February 15th!! - www.ashrae.org/society-groups/committees/nominations/nomination-letter-july-15-2017-appointed-positions
One of the key principles of ASHRAE is that the person does not seek the office, the office seeks the person. With that in mind, we would not want members to be actively campaigning for positions. Rather, as leaders within our chapters and region, we need to make sure that we identify the members whom we feel would best serve our Society and reach out to them so that they have that opportunity. I’m sure you all have superstars in your chapter who may be open to serving in another capacity. Please reach out to them to see what they are interested.
As we prepare for the 2018 Region X CRC this summer, keep in mind that we will be discussing nominees for the GGAC RVC position, to be filled starting SY19-20. If you know of anyone in your chapter who may be interested in serving in this role, please start talking to them so that you are prepared to bring their name forward at CRC. We are available if you have any questions regarding the role and responsibilities. Remember that in order for a candidate to be eligible for a regional position, they must be a full Member (not Associate, Affiliate, or Student) for at least three years prior to their nomination. Please confirm their membership grade eligibility before bringing their name forward.
By now, you should have your chapter Nominating Committee in place, as the Nominating Committee should be elected 60 days prior to your March meeting. The Nominating Committee will be responsible for identifying candidates for next year’s Chapter Board. Per the MCO, the Nominating Committee shall present names to the Secretary at the March Meeting. Nominations from the floor will be taken at the April meeting, with elections held at the May meeting. Please note that in order to serve on the Chapter Board or as a committee chair, candidates must hold a membership grade of Member or Associate, and must be in good standing.
If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for all you do for ASHRAE!!