Join your fellow ASHRAE members for a virtual 5k! The proceeds from this race will go to ASHRAE Research Promotion!
All participants will get a t-shirt mailed to them prior to the event.
Sponsorship Opportunities!
Whole Pie Sponsorship: $500
Your Company Logo will be On the Shirt Mailed to All Participants
Piece of Pie Sponsorship: $200
Your Company Name will be Listed on the Shirt Mailed to All Participants
Contact Heather Schopplein, hschopplein@umec.com to sponsor. All sponsorships must be committed by 2.26 so that shirts can be ordered and delivered to individuals by 3.14.
A shirt and RP support not enough to get you out of your house? What about some prizes? Prizes will be given for the following:
Individual* Fastest Time
Individual* 2nd Fastest Time
Individual* 3rd Fastest Time
Random Participant Name Draw (No Need to be Fast, Just Need to Participate)
Chapter Prize: Most Cumulative Miles (More People Participate = More Miles)
Chapter Prize: Best Average Time (Regardless of Chapter Size You Can Win This, Yeah Math)
*Individual prizes will be given in both the male and female categories
Times will be tracked using a google form input (link to be sent to registrants). We request that you also provide a personal map links from the following fitness apps ... Strava, Garmin, Polar, MapMyRun, RunKeeper, MovesCount, EndoMondo and TomTom Sports.
Questions? Contact Heather Schopplein at hschopplein@umec.com