I am so proud of our Region! For the third year in a row, one of our members has been chosen to receive the Youth Outreach Award! Please join me in congratulating:

Elise has been part of the San Jose Chapter serving on multiple chair positions since 2015. Though she has not been directly part of the Student Activity committee, she has played an important role in volunteering for Student Activity events. Elise helped volunteer as part of the BOG which helped the chapter earn the chapter K-12 STEM leadership award for 2 years in a row; and a 3rd for this year as well. Additionally volunteered on her own, and with other members in many qualifying PAOE events.
The Youth Outreach Award is given annually to an ASHRAE member who actively engages a youth audience in their country, region or local community through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities. Qualified activities include science fairs, technical tours, classroom activities, judging local competitions, and mentoring.