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Winter Conference Recap!

Yet another fantastic Winter Conference is in the books. It was great getting to see so many friends again, and to feel the energy of this organization and its amazing volunteers! My schedule was, as usual, completely packed with meetings -- and as I sat in on and saw the work of all our Councils, Committees, and Subcommittees, I was reminded of just how dedicated, passionate, and inspiring the Leadership Team of ASHRAE Region X is. I'm going to start this recap off by extending my sincere gratitude to Heather Schopplein, PE, DBIA, CM-Lean (DAL), Carrie Brown (DAL), Colin Laisure-Pool, PE, LEED AP, CEM (RMCR), Marites Calad (Nominating Member), Cindy Moreno (Nominating Alternate), Elise Kiland, PE (Nominating Alternate Reserve and Vice Chair of YEA), Jacob Brausch (Treasurer), David Roberts, C.E.M. (Communications), Elyse (Johnson) McBride, PE (DEI), Sean Skiles (Historian), Karine Leblanc ❤️ ➕ 🧠 (Honors & Awards), Don Brandt, Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, CEM (Refrigeration), Nikola Kravik (CTTC RVC), Tracey Jumper, CCP (GAC RVC), Larry Hodgins (MP RVC), Robert Kunkel (RP RVC), Kevin Baldwin (Vice Chair of RP), Omar Rojas (Student Activities RVC), Elise Backstrom, P.E., PMP (YEA RVC), and of course, Society Vice President and forever a claim of Region X, Devin Abellon, P.E. -- you are all amazing people and wonderful examples of what it means to be a volunteer. Thank you!

It would be impossible to cover all that was accomplished in Orlando, but I'll do my best to highlight a few things from the various areas of ASHRAE.

Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC)

CTTC was busy in sunny winter Orlando with representatives from all 15 Regions both in person and virtually. Most significant discussions and decisions were made on several motions strengthening our global and local chapter programs offerings for 2026. A few points to highlight were the DL speakers list revamp via 2025 additional slate of candidates, goals for wider audience reach and topics captured via multiple Tech Hours broadcasts during the year and ideas for collaboration with next generation students on important industry trends. Key for us is future student involvement and feedback as part of workforce technical development by working closely with YEA, SA and BOD/Planning committees. We had several DRC's and ASHRAE Fellow guests in the audience, we heard the questions and needs of other members and committees on how to enhance collaboration, multichapter visits and organizational logistics for 2025-2026.  Special attention and focus highlight was learning about the pillars of ASHRAE's latest Strategic Plan.

Nikola, our current CTTC RVC even got to catch up with our former CTTC RVC and past Chair of the CTTC Committee, Andrew Reilman, PE!


There is a plan to make the ASHRAE 365 App available to all Regions for Chapters Regional Conferences (CRCs).  The spring CRCs will be the beta testing group and if all goes well, fall CRCs like ours will follow.  If/when that happens, a role will need to be created amongst future CRC planning committees to input all relevant data/schedules into the app.  Could be the Regional Communications role that assumes that, or someone at the host Chapter. For our upcoming joint CRC hosted by the ASHRAE Golden Gate Chapter with Region IX and my good friend, Jonathan Smith PE, CEM, LEED AP (Region IX DRC), we will be utilizing a different phone app, but we do plan to use the ASHRAE 365 App in 2026 (a joint CRC with our friends over at Region XI and my buddy, Rob Craddock).

Devin, Buzz, and Jonathan
Devin, Buzz, and Jonathan

Government Affairs

Our Government Affairs RVC, Tracey Jumper, reported to society on the Region X chapters' commendable advocacy efforts, including proclamations, keeping Government Affairs topics in chapter newsletters, and members testifying at state hearings to defend energy policy and prevent delays in energy code updates.

Tracey, among other Region X members, also represented the at the Distinguished Lecturer mixer, Commissioning Technical Committees, and the Advisory Committee consulting the future ASHRAE president. She led a group of Mrs. Ropers at the Women in ASHRAE breakfast with Golden Gate member and ASHRAE partnering Building Cx Association president Lyn Gomes, which was fun, highlighted female icons, and illustrated a discussion around upgrading condos for resilience and climate action.

Government Affairs Committee
Government Affairs Committee

Honors & Awards

The H&A Committee meets almost entirely in executive session, so I can't report on much that is done during that meeting, however, I can proudly announce that Region X member from the Golden Gate Chapter, Stet Sanborn, AIA FASHRAE was awarded the grade of ASHRAE Fellow! The Fellow membership grade recognizes members who have attained distinction and made substantial contributions in HVAC&R and the built environment such as education, research, engineering design and consultation, publications, presentations and mentoring.

To view the full list of Award Recipients, visit:

Stet Sanborn, ASHRAE Fellow
Stet Sanborn, ASHRAE Fellow

LeaDRS Program

LeaDRS (Leadership Development through Regional Support) is a program that encourages the development of future Regional and Society leaders. The program allows Region X to select an ASHRAE member to shadow me as our Director and Regional Chair (DRC) at an ASHRAE conference (Annual or Winter). This year, Juliana Velez form the Golden Gate Chapter joined me for eight days of nonstop fun!

We kicked things off on Friday, and throughout the conference attended (take a deep breath)... the Student Activities Grants Subcommittee, Post-High Subcommittee, CTTC Committee, Finance Committee, K-12/STEM Subcommittee, Planning Committee, Student Activities Committee, DRC/RMCR Forum, Host Committee Reception, Planning Committee Dinner, Members Council Planning Subcommittee, Research Promotion Committee, Executive Committee, Membership Promotion Committee, YEA Committee, Student Welcome, Plenary, Welcome Party, Region X Social, Members Council Region Operations Subcommittee, Professionals with Young Families Membership Resource Group, Student Program, Board of Directors Luncheon, Board of Directors Meeting, Presidential Hospitality Reception, Development Committee, Treasurer Advisory Committee, President's Luncheon, Members Council, President-Elect Advisory Committee, Society Rules Committee, Membership Model Ad Hoc, Member's Night Out, Executive Committee #2, Technology Council, Board of Directors Meeting #2, and capped it off with the Board of Directors Dinner Wednesday night.

If you have any interest in serving ASHRAE at the Regional or Society levels, the LeaDRS program is a fantastic way to see just how much this organization and its volunteers do. Feel free to reach out to me for more information, I'd love to have you join me at the upcoming Annual Conference, hosted by Region X and held in Phoenix, Arizona.

Region X Board Members (Heather, Buzz, Carrie, and Devin) with Juliana
Region X Board Members (Heather, Buzz, Carrie, and Devin) with Juliana

LeadDRS Participants and their associated DRCs
LeadDRS Participants and their associated DRCs

Membership Promotion

The Winter Conference was a very active time for the Membership Promotion Committee. The committee met on both Friday and Saturday. Friday included four sub-committee meetings, and Saturday was the formal committee meeting. The four subcommittees are Recruitment, Chapter Chair Training & Development (CCTD), Communications and DEI, and Retention. Each committee works to grow, train, retain, and professionally strengthen all those who do and want to join, volunteer, and advance with ASHRAE. Our MP RVC, Larry, is assigned to the Recruitment and CCTD subcommittees.

Saturday’s formal meeting started with these numbers:

  • ASHRAE has a 3% growth target (49,399 members). The society year started with 47,897 members and, as of December 2024, has 47,810 members.

  • Region X’s membership growth goal is 116 new members. As of December 2024, the net gain and loss is zero members.

Other agenda items included subcommittee reports, ASHRAE’s Strategic Plan, and a PAOE update. The subcommittee reports focused on targeting mechanical contractors as new members, refining surveys targeted to (1) former members and (2) retaining current members, and continuing to develop the DEI training presentation for CRCs.

Membership Promotion Committee
Membership Promotion Committee

Winter Meeting Events:

  • Joining YEA, MP committee members had dinner at Hilton Orlando on Friday.

  • The MP committee hosted, and I attended, two Membership Resource Group (MRG) Meetings on Sunday, February 9--“Professionals with Young Families” and “New Members.”

  • The Annual Meeting in Indianapolis (June 2024) hosted the first MRG Meetings. From ASHRAE’s website, “As part of the 2024-2025 Society Theme, incoming ASHRAE President Dennis Knight has created an initiative to expand and simplify the process of connecting members by launching Member Resource Groups (MRGs).”

  • The MP committee hosted the Women in ASHRAE Breakfast on Monday, February 10. The topic of the breakfast was “Work-Life Balance—Navigating the Path to Personal and Professional Services."

Attending the "Professionals with Young Families" Membership Resource Group (MRG)
Attending the "Professionals with Young Families" Membership Resource Group (MRG)

Women in ASHRAE (WIA) Breakfast
Women in ASHRAE (WIA) Breakfast

Members Council Planning Subcommittee

The work continues on the Planning Subcommittee's recommendations for streamlining of Member's Council. They plan to share their detailed proposal in Phoenix this June at the Annual Conference. Some of their recommendations may be radical and controversial, but regardless of how it goes, there should be healthy and productive discussion surrounding how they can make our meetings and overall structure at Members Council more productive and efficient, in alignment with the Society Strategic Plan objectives.

Colin continuing to do great work for our Region and our members
Colin continuing to do great work for our Region and our members

Members Night Out

A nice break from meetings, Members Night Out gives us a chance to relax and enjoy some social time over a nice meal. It also was when we could cheer on Region X's own Kellie Huff from the ASHRAE Central Arizona Chapter as she announced some details for the upcoming Annual Conference being held in Phoenix, Arizona. A Conference back in Region X? You know we're going to have a good time!

Kellie sharing details for the upcoming Annual Conference in Phoenix
Kellie sharing details for the upcoming Annual Conference in Phoenix


Nominating had a productive and successful meeting, bringing forward some of Society’s brightest stars as they continue to advance on their leadership paths. We also have several subcommittees formed working on the continued legacy of excellence, accuracy, and integrity for our nominating processes. This includes idea sharing for processes to streamline our local grassroots elections which we hope to bring strength to our Region and Chapters.

Of course, I could not be told about any of the discussions that take place during the Nominating meeting, but I did hear that at the end of the meeting one of the members sang a really nice song for everyone!

To view the 2025-2026 Slate of Nominees, visit: 

Good times at the Host Committee Reception
Good times at the Host Committee Reception

Planning Committee

The big news out of the Planning Committee is the brand new 2025-2028 Strategic Plan. The three goals of the plan are 1) to position ASHRAE as the global leader in advanced solutions to improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and address climate change, 2) pursue impact-focused engagement by targeting stakeholders to support a strong workforce and maximize utilization, adherence, and trust of ASHRAE's global expert resources, and 3) increase the accessibility of ASHRAE content, resources, and member opportunities. The full plan is available for download here:

Huge thanks to Dunstan Macauley, P.E. (Past Society Vice President), Devin Abellon, P.E. (Society Vice President), Carrie Brown (DAL), Chandra Sekhar (Society Vice President), Sheila Hayter (Society President 2018-2019), and Mick Schwedler (Society President 2021-2022) for their incredible efforts on the Strategic Plan Subcommittee, developing this plan. Well done!

Planning Committee
Planning Committee


The Refrigeration Committee has updated the ASHRAE Refrigerant Position Document to include the new A2L refrigerants.

More good times at the Leadership Luncheon
More good times at the Leadership Luncheon

Research Promotion

Overall, Region X is ahead of most other Regions in Society and ahead of last year in reaching our annual goal for RP. Currently, we are at just over $88,000 in total donations with our goal being $220,300 (~40% of goal). Several Chapters have already reached goal or are very close to doing so. Reminder for all Chapters: the next goals are trying to reach a minimum of 60% by March 31 and 100% by June 15. Thank you so much to our amazing Chapters, keep up the good work!

As of January, the total donations were practically even with this time last year. This year’s RP goal is $2,662,045 and current donations are $772,277.

Moving forward the annual coin that is sent out for donations over $150 may become optional/opt-in. More information about this potential change is coming soon. I know personally, I've grown to love receiving these coins in the mail!

The RP Committee discussed ways to both improve Centralized Training (CT), increase CT attendance, and reduce the cost to ASHRAE. This includes offering a pre-CT online short course and exploring the option of having CT during the Annual Meeting.

Even more good times at the Welcome Party
Even more good times at the Welcome Party

Student Activities

The Student Activities committee (aka Best Committee in ASHRAE) had a great winter meeting. They reviewed 93 undergraduate equipment grant applications. This was the first year they looked to award up to $25,000 for the top application. Consequently, 32 projects will be funded for Society Year 2025-26 for a total of $157,000! For the Student Travel grant program, 96 applications were received, and ten $1,000 grants were awarded to students from 8 different regions. For the 2024-2025 3D modeling competition for high school students, the submissions were reviewed, and the winners will be notified by March. Lastly, they hosted the Student Program at the Winter Conference and 250 students were in attendance throughout the weekend.

Student Activities Committee
Student Activities Committee

Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA)

The Decarbonization Challenge winners were announced by Society President M. Dennis Knight at the President’s Luncheon! Congratulations to the seven awarded projects who will receive grants ranging between $2,000 and $10,000 for a total of $59,970! We are excited to see these projects come to fruition this spring. At the winter meeting, ASHRAE established the Gordon Holness Presidential Fund, a generous $1 million endowment which will provide $50,000 annual to fund this challenge in perpetuity.

YEA Leadership Weekend 2.0 will be held in Charleston, South Carolina from May 30 – June 1 and YEA Leadership Weekend International will be held in Chandigarh, India from October 10-12.  Registration is open for both weekends now! The YEA committee established an endowment fund to provide scholarships for YLW in the future. Please donate to this fund here!

ASHRAE Connect was launched in Orlando and was a huge success! It is a program for YEA members to shadow a member of the YEA committee at an ASHRAE conference. If you are interested in shadowing Region X Sr Vice Chair, Elise Kiland at the upcoming Annual Conference in Phoenix, you can apply here!

Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Committee
Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Committee

Region X Social Gathering

We had a great time getting together with our friends over in Region IX to enjoy some food, drinks, and fun as we continue to prepare for our upcoming August 2025 joint CRC in San Francisco! Shout-out to Dan Russell from Region IX for all his help in these joint efforts. And shout-outs to Brian Chacon and Berenice Saucedo as the General Chairs for the 2025 CRC. If you are volunteering at your Chapter, I highly recommend you talk to your Chapter President about attending this CRC. If you aren't volunteering, start! Simply put, you will have an absolute blast and will return to your Chapter well-equipped to further the mission of your Chapter, our Region, and ASHRAE. I really hope to see you there!

Come join us, we could use your help, and I'll buy you a beer!
Come join us, we could use your help, and I'll buy you a beer!


It's always fun to attend these conferences and spend time with all my friends from the 14 Chapters in Region X spread out over Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada, as well as all the other members across the world who are like family to me.

But it sure was nice to return home to my beautiful wife; and then go for a ride with the boys!

Teague and Finn, future ASHRAE Members
Teague and Finn, future ASHRAE Members




This website is maintained by Region X of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. Region X may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, visit the ASHRAE website at

© 2023 by ASHRAE Region X

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