About YEA and your YRC (YEA Regional Coordinator)
Hi all, I’m Elise Backstrom, your Region X YEA RVC, formerly past Central Arizona YEA Committee Chair! I’m excited to serve my term and build upon the hard work and successes of our past leaders – Elise Kiland, Alyse Falconer, Heather Schopplein and Cindy Moreno.

It's no secret that when many of our industry professionals (especially the newcomers) think of ASHRAE they think of boring tech sessions, codes, standards, old guys with pocket protectors (mad respect to those forefathers of HVAC, by the way), but the thing we are here to emphasize is that, like all good things, ASHRAE is evolving.
The generations before us, whom have laid the groundwork that we are building on, are welcoming the young minds of the future into their offices, labs, and beloved professional organization and asking us to join them in continuing the tradition of innovative thought and design. They are asking us to continue to expand on the ideas that have been the foundation of ASHRAE since its inception. Not only are the youngest members of ASHRAE being invited to attend meetings and learn from our predecessors, but we are being recruited for Members' Council committees, technical committees, etc. and they are asking us what we think and how we want to build. And THAT is innovation at work! TOGETHER we will grow and TOGETHER we will prosper. There is so much to be learned from those generations who really created the HVAC & R industry, and it is so validating to have them turn to younger generations to be educated about technology and all that has changed as well.
As Young Engineers in ASHRAE, it's not always easy to see through all of the text and jargon and figure out the who's who or what's what. That is why YEA was created as a committee on Members' Council and why the YEA membership has grown so rapidly over the past few years. Allow us to act as your guide while you get to know ASHRAE and all that we have to offer.
The goal of the YEA Committee is to enhance member benefits for young professional members by identifying, creating and supporting activities and services focused on their needs. Our primary focus is attracting and developing YEA members for future membership and leadership in ASHRAE and the HVAC&R industry. We do this through a variety of programs, resources and awards, including:
Social & Technical Chapter Activities
Student Activities Liaison
I love ASHRAE because I love the relationships I’ve built with colleagues around the world. The opportunities provided by ASHRAE have helped me develop both personally and professionally. I’m looking forward to building relationships with all our Region X YEA members to help them develop their leadership skills and build our YEA membership!
I’m always available by phone, text or email. Feel free to reach out – I’d love to hear from you!